joe noname-s discursive navigations : disclaimer


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Die Inhalte dieses Websites stehen unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-NichtKommerziell-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 2.0 Austria Lizenz.

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J flag
Visualising Waves
volumetric rendering of 3D waves
  O flag

the hi-jacker-s guide for not so lonely pirates + excl. exkurs-diskurse des noname'schen piraten
  E flag

The Roboat
  N flag

Traceroutes in complex groupings
  O flag

Social Shoals -
About (im)possibilities of socially distributed navigation
N flag

Von Neumann's Play Off
Discovering the seaworthiness of votings, games and theories in the wash of the waves of selfgoverning subsidies
A flag

Controversial caboose conversations
M flag

haole and mele -
senses and non-sense in navigation and decision making processes
  E flag

Sailing through information -
The sail's epidermis as metaphor

S flag

Mission statement
C flag

On board
T flag

Time table
Q flag

D flag


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